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lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008


He has survived.

Yesterday in the afternoon Tokio hotel singer Bill Kaulitz (18) is operated on his vocal cords. A cyst is removed from his left vocal cord. His twinbrother Tom and his parents were constantly with him.“His doctor is one of the best in his expertise. During the surgery everything went smooth and the doctor is very optimistic”, tells Tokio hotel producer and manager David Jost shortly after the operation.

However, Bill is still worried. Understandable. The procedure can lead to change in his voice. It can become darker or brighter.“If Bill’s voice will sound like before is impossible to say right now”, according to David Jost. Spiritual support Bill got from his “Talisman”, twinbrother Tom and his parents. “They are constantly with him in the clinic”, Tell Jost. Today or tomorrow Bill will leave the hospital again.

“He has to go back to the doctor every day for the next week for evaluation”.

And not one word is he allowed to speak for the next 10 days!To make sure Bill can make himself understandable, Tom has given Bill a little chalkboard as gift. Write away. In May he will be back on stage again….


los padres y tom estuvieron todo el dia en el hospital con él. Dicen que aun NO SABEN SI LA VOZ DE BILL VOLVERÁ HA SER LA DE ANTES.. porque la cirugia puede haberle cambiado la voz... por eso dicen que aun estan preocupados.Dicen que hoy o mañanda, dejara el hospital para volver a casa, y recuperarse. Debera ir al medico cada dia, y no podra hablar durante ese periodo de tiempo.

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